NO. 800 Jane Addams Hull-House

The Jane Addams Hull-House in Chicago holds a significant place in American history as a beacon of social reform. Yet, this house of noble intent also holds a more spectral reputation, intriguing those interested in the paranormal. From whispers of a 'devil baby' to accounts of eerie apparitions, the Hull-House's haunted history is a chilling counterpoint to its legacy of social advocacy.

Founded in 1889 by Jane Addams and Ellen Gates Starr, the Hull-House became the epicenter of the social settlement movement in America. It offered a myriad of services, including education, childcare, and medical aid, aiming to alleviate the plight of the poor immigrant workers flooding into Chicago.

But the building itself predates these noble endeavors. Built in 1856 by real estate developer Charles Hull, it was originally a country home. After Hull's death in 1860, his widow rented out rooms before the house was eventually converted into a home for the less fortunate, with Jane Addams at its helm.

Perhaps the most famous ghostly tale associated with Hull-House is the legend of the 'Devil Baby.' As the story goes, a baby bearing horns, pointed ears, and a tail was born in the early 20th century and brought to the Hull-House. Jane Addams supposedly kept the child in the attic, trying to protect it from the prying eyes of the public.

While Addams herself debunked this myth in her own writings, the legend persisted, likely fueled by societal fears and prejudices of the time. Even today, the Devil Baby legend is a staple of Chicago's ghostly lore, continuing to intrigue and chill those who delve into the city's haunted history.

The Hull-House has also been the site of various reported ghost sightings and unexplained phenomena. Many attribute these occurrences to the spirit of Charles Hull's wife, who died in the home in 1860. Over the years, both staff and visitors have reported feeling her presence, often described as a comforting, motherly energy.

More unsettling reports tell of apparitions seen in the house's old dining room and in the adjacent courtyard. These specters, often described as shadowy figures, are said to vanish when approached. Some visitors have also reported an inexplicable feeling of sadness or unease in certain areas of the house.

Today, the Hull-House continues its mission of advocacy and education as a museum, dedicated to social justice and the legacy of Jane Addams. While the haunted tales seem at odds with the house's mission, they add a layer of intrigue to this historic site, drawing in those fascinated by the supernatural.

Whether or not the ghostly tales of Hull-House are true, they are part of its rich tapestry, interwoven with the stories of social reform, immigrant struggles, and community empowerment. They remind us that places, like people, can carry the echoes of their past, the seen and the unseen, the factual and the mythical.

A visit to the Hull-House is a journey into the heart of Chicago's history, a place where advocacy and apparitions coexist. As you explore its rooms and corridors, you not only walk in the footsteps of Jane Addams and the countless individuals she helped, but also, perhaps, in the spectral shadows of its other, less worldly, inhabitants.

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